Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2022

Pengaruh Employee Engagement Terhadap Employee Performance (Studi Kasus pada PT XYZ Bandung)

Impact of Employee Engagement on Employee Performance (Case Study of PT XYZ Bandung)

Tugas Akhir, 041 / 2022 / ABS
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2023-12-20 14:25:13
Oleh : 195211045 - Hilma Aziza Fauzya (
Dibuat : 2023-12-20, dengan 4 file

Keyword : Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Career Development, Communication, Leadership, Compensation, Work Environment.
Subjek : Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Career Development, Communication, Leadership, Compensation, Work Environment.

Employee Performance merupakan aspek yang sangat penting bagi sebuah perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuannya, dan hal itu berlaku pula bagi PT XYZ. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan hasil pra-survey penelitian, 50% karyawan di PT XYZ tidak merasakan adanya peningkatan kinerja yang terjadi jika dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya, bahkan cenderung ada yang mengatakan menurun. Apabila hal tersebut terus dibiarkan tanpa adanya strategi peningkatan kinerja, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan kinerja yang tadinya hanya stagnan kemudian akan menurun. Terdapat banyak strategi yang bisa meningkatkan tingkat kinerja karyawan, salah satunya melalui employee engagement. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran employee engagement dan dimensidimensi pembentuknya, meliputi: career development, communication, leadership, compensation, dan work environment, serta gambaran dari employee performance di PT XYZ. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari employee engagement dan seberapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap employee performance di PT XYZ. Metode analisis yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear sederhana, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui instrumen kuesioner. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah bahwa gambaran employee engagement secara keseluruhan berada dalam kategori “cukup”, sedangkan untuk masing-masing dimensinya adalah bahwa keempat dimensi berada dalam kategori “baik” kecuali dimensi compensation yang berada dalam kategori “cukup”, serta untuk variabel employee engagement di PT XYZ berada dalam kategori “baik”. Kemudian hasil analisis regresi menyebutkan bahwa variabel employee engagement berpengaruh secara positif signifikan terhadap variabel employee performance, dengan nilai pengaruh sebesar 37,2%.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

Employee Performance is a very important thing for a company to achieve its goals, and that also applies to PT XYZ. However, based on the results of the pre-survey research, 50% of employees at PT XYZ did not feel that there was an increase in performance when compared to the previous year, some even said it was declining. If this continues to be left without a performance improvement strategy, it is possible that performance that was previously only stagnant will then decline. There are many strategies that can increase the level of employee performance, one of which is through employee engagement. The purpose of this research is to find out how the description of employee engagement and the dimensions that form it, including: career development, communication, leadership, compensation, and work environment, and also the description of employee performance at PT XYZ. In addition, to determine the impact of employee engagement and how much impact it has on employee performance at PT XYZ. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis, using a quantitative approach through a questionnaire instrument. The results obtained are that the description of employee engagement variable is in the "enough" category, while for each of the dimensions is that the four dimensions are in the "good" category except for the compensation dimension which is in the "enough" category, as well as for the employee engagement variable in the "good" category. Then the results of the regression analysis stated that the employee engagement variable had a significant positive impact on the employee performance variable, with an influence value of 37.2%.

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  • Pembimbing : Dr. Drs. Harmon Chaniago,, Editor: Wening PKL UPI
