Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2022

Analisis Pengaruh Employer Branding dalam Membangun Daya Tarik Perusahaan Shopee Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Generasi Z)

Analysis of the Influence of Employer Branding in Building Shopee Indonesia's Company Attractiveness (Case Studies on Generation Z)

Tugas Akhir, 045 / 2022 / ABS
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2023-12-20 14:35:01
Oleh : 195211049 - Khairunnisa Citra Aida (
Dibuat : 2023-12-20, dengan 4 file

Keyword : Employer Branding, Daya Tarik Perusahaan, Generasi Z.
Subjek : Employer Branding, Corporate Attractiveness, Generation Z.

Banyaknya konten - konten mengenai aktivitas kerja yang menunjukkan lingkungan kerja yang baik pada perusahaan Shopee, membuat pendaftar kerja ke Shopee berlimpah. Menunjukkan bahwa daya tarik perusahaan Shopee turut meningkat karena konten - konten yang diunggah baik oleh official account sosial media Shopee maupun dari para pegawai. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut terkait employer branding dan daya tarik perusahaan Shopee Indonesia serta pengaruh employer branding dalam membangun daya tarik perusahaan Shopee Indonesia. Tujuan tambahan penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh employer branding dalam membangun daya tarik perusahaan Shopee Indonesia dengan subjek generasi Z sebagai angkatan kerja mayoritas saat ini. Menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif serta didukung oleh metode analisis data seperti uji asumsi klasik, uji linear regresi sederhana, uji hipotesis, koefisien determinasi, dan uji linieritas, berhasil diperoleh data yang menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh employer branding dalam membangun daya tarik perusahaan Shopee Indonesia. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dua variabel yang dibahas pada penelitian ini memiliki keterkaitan dan pengaruh satu sama lain.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

he amount of content about work activities that shows a good work environment at Shopee companies, makes job registrants to Shopee abundant. It shows that the attractiveness of shopee companies has also increased because of the content uploaded both by Shopee's official social media accounts and from employees. This research aims to find out more about employer branding and the attractiveness of Shopee Indonesia companies as well as the influence of employer branding in building shopee indonesia company attractiveness. The additional purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of employer branding in building the attractiveness of Shopee Indonesia companies with generation Z subjects as the current majority of the workforce. By using descriptive quantitative research methods and supported by data analysis methods such as classical assumption tests, simple regression linear tests, hypothesis tests, coefficients of determination, and linearity tests, data were successfully obtained that showed that there was an impact of employer branding in building the attractiveness of Shopee Indonesia companies. It can be concluded that the two variables discussed in this study are related and influenced by each other.

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  • Pemboimbing : Dr. Drs. Ma’mun Sutisna, S.Sos., M.Pd. , Editor: Wening PKL UPI
