Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2022

Perancangan dan Pembuatan Media Pemasaran Berbasis Revitalisasi Website Pada PT Astra International Tbk – TSO Auto2000 Cabang Asia Afrika Bandung

Design and Development of Marketing Media Based on Website Revitalization at PT Astra International Tbk – TSO Auto2000 Asia Afrika Bandung Branch

Tugas Akhir, 051 / 2022 / ABS
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2023-12-07 10:57:32
Oleh : 195211055 - RAHADIAN SALMAN (
Dibuat : 2023-12-07, dengan 4 file

Keyword : media pemasaran, revitalisasi, website
Subjek : marketing media, revitalization, website

PT Astra International Tbk – TSO Auto2000 Cabang Asia Afrika Bandung sebagai salah satu retailer Toyota terbesar di Indonesia, dalam 3 tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan penjualan, baik penjualan kendaraan maupun servis, yang juga terjadi bersamaan dengan munculnya pandemi COVID-19. Munculnya pandemi ini kemudian mendorong penggunaan Internet pada masyarakat meningkat dan membuat bisnis mulai bertransformasi untuk menggunakan media digital sebagai media pemasarannya, salah satunya dengan melalui website. Namun, dalam praktiknya, Auto2000 Asia Afrika belum memanfaatkan media website-nya dengan maksimal. Hal ini dikarenakan minimnya jumlah pengelola dan pengetahuan karyawan akan pengelolaan website. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, disusunlah sebuah proyek untuk merancang dan membuat media pemasaran berbasis revitalisasi website. Proyek ini bermaksud untuk menghasilkan perancangan dan pembuatan revitalisasi website. Metode perancangan proyek dilakukan dengan bantuan Content Management System (CMS) WordPress sehingga website Auto2000 Asia Afrika dapat digunakan sebagai media pemasaran dalam meningkatkan penjualan kendaraan dan servis yang ditawarkan. Tahapan perancangan dibagi atas tiga tahapan; pra-pelaksanaan proyek, pelaksanaan proyek, dan pasca pelaksanaan proyek. Pada tahap pra-pelaksanaan proyek, dilakukan terlebih dahulu identifikasi masalah, peninjauan pustaka, dan melakukan wawancara kebutuhan. Selanjutnya, tahapan pelaksanaan proyek juga dilakukan secara bertahap; dimulai dari planning, design, development, testing, responsive web design (RWD), dan deploying. Tahapan terakhir yakni pasca pelaksanaan, dilakukan peninjauan dampak proyek melalui wawancara akhir dan penyebaran kuesioner. Hasil peninjauan dampak proyek melalui kuesioner didapatkan hasil mean pada setiap variabel; kualitas website, layanan produk, dan layanan jasa servis, masuk pada kriteria sangat baik dan juga didukung dengan hasil testing performa website yang masuk pada kriteria optimal.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

PT Astra International Tbk – TSO Auto2000 Asia Afrika Bandung Branch as one of the largest Toyota retailers in Indonesia, in the last 3 years there has been a decline in sales, both vehicle sales and service, which also coincided with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The emergence of this pandemic then pushed the use of the Internet to increase and made businesses begin to transform to use digital media as their marketing media, one of which was through the website. However, in practice, Auto2000 Asia Afrika has not made full use of its website media. This is due to the minimal number of managers and employee knowledge of website management. Based on this phenomenon, a project was compiled to design and create a website revitalization-based marketing media. This project intends to design a website revitalization with the help of a WordPress Content Management System (CMS) so that the Auto2000 Asia Africa website can be used as a marketing media to increase sales of the Toyota vehicles and services offered. The design stages are divided into three stages; pre-implementation of the project, project implementation, and post-implementation of the project. In the pre-implementation stage of the project, it is carried out in advance the identification of problems, reviewing the library, and conducting needs interviews. Furthermore, the stages of project implementation are also carried out in stages; starting from planning, design, development, testing, responsive web design (RWD), and deploying. The last stage, post-implementation of the project, used to review the impact of the project was carried out through the final interview and the distribution of questionnaires. The results of the project impact review through the questionnaire obtained mean results for each variable; the quality of the website, product services, and services, are included in the very good criteria and are also supported by the results of website performance testing which are included in the optimal criteria.

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  • Pembimbing : Dr. Dra. Koernia Purwihartuti, M.Si., Editor: Sofia PKL UPI
