Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > Jurusan Teknik Sipil > Program Studi Konstruksi Gedung > 2013

Perencanaan Metode Pelaksanaan dan Network Planning Pekerjaan Excavation Earth, Waller Beam, dan Ground Anchor Pada Proyek Parahyangan Residence

Planning of Implementation Methods and Network Planning Excavation Earth, Waller Beam and Ground Anchor Task At Parahyangan Residence Project

Tugas Akhir, 015 / 2013 / KGE
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2017-02-22 08:00:18
Oleh : David P Batubara - 101111040 & Taufik Hidayat - 101111064 ( ;
Dibuat : 2017-02-22, dengan 4 file

Keyword : excavation earth, waller beam, ground anchor, network planning
Subjek : excavation earth, waller beam, ground anchor, network planning

Proyek Parahyangan Residence memiliki dua tower utama, yaitu tower A dengan jumlah lantai sebanyak 26 lantai dan tower B sebanyak 28 lantai utama dan 6 lantai basement, dengan total luas bangunan 89.905 m2. Proyek ini termasuk proyek besar dengan waktu penyelesaian yang cukup lama. Maka dari itu diperlukan kontrol waktu dalam penyelesaian proyek ini. Proyek ini juga memiliki keunikan yaitu lantai basement yang mencapai enam lantai dengan elevasi paling bawah sedalam -25 m. Maka dari itu diperlukan perhatian lebih pada pekerjaan excavation earth, waller beam dan ground anchor. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan perencanaan kembali metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan excavation earth, waller beam dan ground anchor. Untuk kontrol waktu dibuat juga network planning pekerjaan excavation earth, waller beam dan ground anchor. Ketiga pekerjaan itu dibagi kedalam beberapa zona kerja berdasarkan nomor soldier pile. Pada pekerjaan excavation earth yang menjadi perhatian adalah kegiatan buang dan gali. Produktivitas pekerjaan excavation earth adalah 750 m3/hari pada saat weekday, 600 m3/hari pada saat weekend dan 500 m3 pada saat weekend dan weekday. Pada pekerjaan waller beam diperlukan perhatian lebih pada pemasangan konsol, H beam dan head waller. Produktivitas pekerjaan waller beam adalah 3,5m’/hari. Sedangkan pada pekerjaan ground anchor diperlukan perhatian lebih pada kegiatan drilling, grouting dan stressing ground anchor. Produktivitas pekerjaan bor dan grouting ground anchor adalah 2 titik/hari dan produktivitas pekerjaan stressing ground anchor adalah 5 titik/hari. Network planning dibuat setelah durasi dan hubungan antar kegiatan telah didapat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis network planning, didapatkan total waktu penyelesian ketiga pekerjaan tersebut adalah selama 98 hari dan terdapat 13 pekerjaan kritis. Kata kunci: excavation earth, waller beam, ground anchor, network planning.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

Parahyangan Residence project has two main tower, that is A Tower with 26 main floor and B Tower with 28 main floor and 6 basement floors, with a buliding area 89.905 m2. Parahyangan Residence Project is big project with a long duration of completion. Consequently, it needed time control in the implementation of this project. Additionally, there is a uniqueness of this project that is basement floor which reaches up to six floors with the depth -25m of groundelevation. Consequently, being more concerned on the work of earth excavation, waller beam and ground anchor was needed. In this final project, the implementation of working method of earth excavation, waller beam and ground anchor was replanned. Moreover, network planning was designed in order to control time. Those three jobs are included into some work zones based on the soldier pile number. The concerns on the earth excavation task were the disposal and digging activities. Productivity of excavation earth task is 750m3/day when weekday, 600m3/day when weekend and 500 m3/day when weekday and weekend. Waller beam task needed more concerned over the console setting, H beam, and head waller. Productivity of waller beam task is 3,5 m'/day. While, on the ground anchor work, the concerns were the drilling activity, grouting, and stressing ground anchor. Productivity of drilling and grouting ground anchor task is 2 point/day and productivity of stressing ground anchor task is 5 point/day. Network planning was designed after getting the duration and the relation among the activities. Based on the result of network planning analysis, the total time which is needed to finish the three jobs is 98 days, and there are 13 critical jobs. Key words: excavation earth, waller beam, ground anchor, network planning.

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Nama KontakErlin Arvelina
AlamatJl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga
DaerahJawa Barat
Telepon022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239
Fax022 201 3889

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  • Pembimbing 1: Hilman Iskandar, BSCE., M.T.

    Pembimbing 2: Yullianty Noorlaelasari, S.T., M.T., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
