Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2020

Analisis Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Aplikasi Shopee dengan Metode Pembayaran Shopeepay Selama Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Pada Konsumen Shopee di Kota Bandung)

Analysis of Consumer Purchase Intention in Shopee Application Using Shopeepay Method During Covid-19 Pandemic (Study of Shopee Consumers in Bandung City)

Tugas Akhir, 031 / 2020 / ABS
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2022-03-30 10:45:14
Oleh : Dewi Madrin - 175211034 (
Dibuat : 2022-03-30, dengan 4 file

Keyword : Shopee, Purchase Intention, Consumer, ShopeePay, COVID-19
Subjek : Shopee, Minat Beli, Konsumen, ShopeePay, COVID-19

Pada tahun 2020 sampai dengan bulan Agustus, hampir semua kegiatan manusia dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan secara online, contohnya adalah berbelanja secara online. Salah satu marketplace berbasis e-commerce yang menyediakan aplikasi untuk belanja secara online adalah Shopee. Shopee memiliki inovasi produk e-wallet bernama ShopeePay. Konsumen Shopee yang memiliki minat beli terhadap suatu produk cenderung menggunakan metode pembayaran bank atau minimarket dibandingkan ShopeePay. Hal tersebut riskan dilakukan di tengah pandemi COVID-19 karena virus dapat tersebar melalui kartu atau uang yang dijadikan alat pembayaran. Dengan kondisi peminat ShopeePay yang masih kurang serta terjadinya pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kondisi minat beli konsumen Shopee, khususnya di Kota Bandung, dengan menggunakan metode pembayaran ShopeePay terutama selama pandemi COVID-19. Dengan mengetahui kondisi minat beli konsumen dengan menggunakan metode pembayaran ShopeePay selama pandemi COVID-19, Shopee dapat meningkatkan fitur-fitur ShopeePay agar memberikan keuntungan yang banyak bagi pengguna terlebih lagi selama pandemi COVID-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan menggunakan angket dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minat beli konsumen Shopee di Kota Bandung pada aplikasi Shopee dengan metode pembayaran ShopeePay selama pandemi COVID-19 berada dalam kategori tinggi yang maknanya adalah sudah banyak konsumen yang menggunakan metode ShopeePay selama pandemi COVID-19. Minat transaksional, referensial, dan preferensial konsumen berada pada kategori baik sedangkan minat eksploratif konsumen berada pada kategori cukup baik.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

In 2020 until August, almost all human activities can be done quickly and online, for example online shopping. One e-commerce that provides application for online shopping is Shopee. Shopee has an e-wallet innovation called ShopeePay. Shopee consumers who have purchase intention toward some product likely to use bank or minimarket payment method instead of ShopeePay. This is risky to take place in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic because the virus can be spread through cards or money that are used as means of payment. With the condition of ShopeePay user who are still lacking and the occurrence of a COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, this research was conducted to analyze the condition of Shopee consumers' purchase intention, especially in Bandung City, using the ShopeePay payment method especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. By knowing what can affect consumer purchase intention by using ShopeePay payment method during COVID-19 pandemic, the numbers of consumers using ShopeePay payment method can increase and can increase consumer awareness of the dangers and spread of COVID-19. The research method used in this study is a descriptive analysis method with quantitative approach. Data collection technique used questionnaire and observation. The results showed that the purchase intention of Shopee consumers in Bandung City on the Shopee application with the ShopeePay payment method during the COVID-19 pandemic was in a high category, which means that many consumers have used the ShopeePay method during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumers’ transactional, referential, and preferential intention are in the good category, while the explorative intention of consumers are in the enough category.

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DaerahJawa Barat
Telepon022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239
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  • Pembimbing: Dr. Drs. Ma’mun Sutisna, S.Sos., M.Pd., Editor: Muhammad Abdillah Islamy, S.Pd
