Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Bahasa Inggris > 2020

An Analysis of Tenses Used on Website Articles, Universities Websites Journal Abstracts, and American Folklore Short Stories

Tugas Akhir, 030 / 2020 / ING
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2022-10-12 13:11:50
Oleh : Ecky Muhammad Rachmat - 175311039 (
Dibuat : 2022-10-12, dengan 4 file

Keyword : analysis, tenses, stories, abstracts, articles

The final projects title is An Analysis of Tenses Used on Website Articles, Universities Websites Journal Abstracts, and American Folklore Short Stories. This analysis is aimed to find and compare the most used tenses of the texts of these three sources. The 12 tenses theory by Raimes (2004) is used in this final project. There are six texts from three sources to be analyzed in this analysis which are two website articles, two journal abstracts on universities websites (Unnes and UPI), and two folklore short stories on American Folklore website. A qualitative method with simple calculation on the data tables is used in this present analysis. This final project uses a theory of data analysis by Miles & Huberman (2011) cited in (Reinaldhi, 2017). There are five type of tenses found in the 262 clauses selected. It can be concluded that simple past tense is the most frequently used tense in these three sources by 210 clauses. It is followed by simple present tense by 28 clauses, past perfect tense by 12 clauses, past continuous tense by 11 clauses, and a clause uses present perfect tense.

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  • Supervisor: Dra. Nita Henita Koesoemah, M.Pd., Editor: Muhammad Abdillah Islamy, S.Pd
