Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2018

Analisis Proses Rekrutmen di PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

Analysis of Recruitment Process in PT Kereta Api Indonesia

Tugas Akhir, 006 / 2018 / ABS
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2018-11-27 09:06:39
Oleh : Erika Nur Rahman - 155211006 (
Dibuat : 2018-11-27, dengan 4 file

Keyword : Sumber daya manusia, Proses rekrutmen, Seleksi
Subjek : Human resources, Recruitment process, Selection

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam transportasi perkeretaan yang memiliki kebutuhan sumber daya manusia dalam jumlah banyak. Pemenuhan sumber daya manusia dapat diperoleh melalui perekrutan pegawai. Rekrutmen adalah proses menarik orang-orang atau pelamar untuk mengisi jabatan atau posisi tertentu yang dibutuhkan organisasi. Rekrutmen bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sebanyak-banyaknya calon pelamar, sehingga organisasi mempunyai kesempatan yang lebih besar untuk memilih pegawai yang dianggap memenuhi standar kualifikasi perusahaan. Terdapat beberapa hambatan dalam proses rekrutmen, yaitu proses validasi berkas dan banyak kuota rekrut yang belum terpenuhi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses rekrutmen PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) secara lengkap, dan dapat mengidentifikasi hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses rekrutmen di PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) memiliki 5 tahapan seleksi yaitu, seleksi administrasi, seleksi tes kesehatan awal, seleksi tes psikologi, seleksi wawancara, dan seleksi tes kesehatan akhir. Perusahaan telah mengembangkan proses rekrutmennya dengan menggunakan metode rekrutmen secara online atau bisa disebut e-recruitment. E-recruitment dapat memudahkan proses rekrutmen sekaligus dapat mengurangi biaya rekrutmen bagi pelamar. Akan tetapi, masih terdapat beberapa hambatan yang terjadi dalam proses rekrutmen, yaitu dalam memvalidasi berkas lamaran, terdapat pelamar tidak qualified, dan masih banyak kuota rekrut yang belum terpenuhi. Kata Kunci: Sumber daya manusia, Proses rekrutmen, Seleksi.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) is a company engaged in railway transportation which needs a lot of human resources. The human resources can be fulfilled by employee recruitment. Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate qualifications to apply for jobs with an organization. The purpose of recruitment is to get as many applicants as possible, so that the organization has a greater opportunity to select employees who are considered to meet the company's qualification standards. There are some obstacles in recruitment process such as in validating the applicants and there are still many unfulfilled quota of recruitment. The purpose of this research are to know the recruitment process of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) completely, and can identify the obstacles that occur. This research used descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the recruitment process in PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) has five stages of selection, namely administrative selection, early health test selection, psychological test, interview selection, and final health test selection. The company has developed its recruitment process using online recruitment method or it can be called e-recruitment. E-recruitment can facilitate the recruitment process while reducing recruitment costs for applicants. However, there are still some obstacles that occur in the recruitment process, namely in validating the application file, there are applicants are not qualified, and there are still many unfulfilled quota of recruitment. Keywords: Human resources, Recruitment process, Selection.

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Nama KontakErlin Arvelina
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DaerahJawa Barat
Telepon022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239
Fax022 201 3889

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  • Pembimbing: Marwansyah, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
