Path: Top > Skripsi - D4 > Jurusan Teknik Kimia > Prodi T. Kimia Produksi Bersih > 2015

Prarancangan Pabrik Polipropilena dari Bahan Baku Propilena menggunakan Proses Hypol dengan Kapasitas Produksi 160.000 Ton/Tahun

Preliminary Design of Polypropylene Plant from Propylene as Raw Material using Hypol Process with Production Capacity of 160.000 Ton/Year

Tugas Akhir, 002 / 2015 / KPB
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2018-09-03 15:06:04
Oleh : Fauzi Yusupandi - 111424006 & Kamalul Hasan - 111424009 (;
Dibuat : 2017-07-21, dengan 1 file

Keyword : Propilena, Polipropilena, Polimerisasi
Subjek : Propylene, Polypropylene, Polymerization

Polipropilena adalah suatu makromolekul termoplastik (dapat dilelehkan) rantai jenuh yang terdiri dari gugus propilena yang berulang. Bahan baku utama yang digunakan untuk pembuatan polipropilena adalah propilena dan bahan penunjang diantaranya hidrogen, katalis TiCl4, ko-katalis TEAl dan Selectivity Controlling Agent (SCA) yaitu N-Propil Tri Metoksi Silane (NPTMS). Pembuatan polipropilena menggunakan proses hypol dengan tahapan proses pembuatannya meliputi tahap reaksi, tahap pemisahan dan pemurnian, serta tahap penanganan produk. Tahap reaksi polimerisasi terjadi di dalam reaktor CSTR I dan II serta Fluidized Bed Reactor (FBR) dengan total konversi 90% sedangkan tahap pemisahan dan pemurnian terjadi pada alat siklon, Product Blow Tank (PBT), dan Product Purge Bin (PPB). Tahap penanganan produk menggunakan alat Extruder Pelletizer. Propilena yang digunakan sebanyak 22.425,21 kg/jam dengan komposisi pengotor yang terdiri dari CO2, CO, O2, Propana sebanyak 90,06 kg/jam bersumber dari PT Pertamina RU VI. Hidrogen yang digunakan sebanyak 0,086 kg/jam, katalis TiCl4 yang digunakan sebanyak 0,673 kg/jam, ko-katalis yang digunakan sebanyak 18,182 kg/jam dan SCA yang digunakan sebanyak 0,39 kg/jam. Kebutuhan utilitas meliputi penyediaan air sebanyak 36.090 kg/jam, steam sebanyak 2.826 kg/jam, listrik sebesar 259 KW dan bahan bakar cadangan untuk generator sebanyak 16.910 L. Limbah yang dihasilkan berupa limbah padat, cair dan gas. Rencana pendirian pabrik pada tahun 2016 di Kawasan Industri Terbatas Balongan, Indramayu, Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan kapasitas produksi 160.000 ton/tahun. Bentuk perusahaan yang diterapkan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan sistem organisasi line and staff. Berdasarkan analisis ekonomi untuk pendirian industri polipropilena diperoleh nila Break Event Point (BEP) 50,89 % dengan harga Rate of Return (IRR) sebesar 28,35% , Return of Investment (ROI) sebesar 43,3 % dan Pay Back Period (PBP) selama 6,8 tahun. Kata kunci: Propilena, Polipropilena, Polimerisasi.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

Polypropylene is a thermoplastic macromolecule (can be melted) saturated chain consisting of propylene repeating groups. The main raw material used for the manufacture of polypropylene is propylene and supporting materials including hydrogen, TiCl4 catalyst, co-catalyst teal and Selectivity Controlling Agent (SCA), namely N-Propyl Tri Methoxy Silane (NPTMS). Manufacture of polypropylene using hypol process with stages of the manufacturing process includes the step of reaction, separation and purification stage, and the stage of product handling. Phase polymerization reaction occurs in the reactor CSTR I and II as well as the Fluidized Bed Reactor (FBR) with a total conversion of 90% while the phase separation and purification occurs in the cyclone tool, Product Blow Tank (PBT), and Product Purge Bin (PPB). Stage product handling using a Pelletizer Extruder. Propylene which are used as much as 22425.21 kg / h with impurity composition comprising CO2, CO, O2, Propane much as 90.06 kg / h sourced from PT Pertamina RU VI. Hydrogen is used as much as 0.086 kg / h, the catalyst TiCl4 is used as much as 0.673 kg / h, the co-catalyst used as much as 18.182 kg / h and SCA are used as much as 0.39 kg / h. Needs include the provision of water utilities as much as 36 090 kg / h, steam as much as 2,826 kg / h, 259 KW of electricity and fuel for generators as backup 16.910 L. Waste generated in the form of solids, liquids and gases. The planned establishment of the factory in 2016 in the Industrial Zone Limited Balongan, Indramayu, West Java Province with a production capacity of 160,000 tons / year. Form of company adopted is a Limited Liability Company (PT) with a system of line and staff organization. Based on economic analysis for industrial establishment of polypropylene derived indigo Break Event Point (BEP) at a price of 50.89% Rate of Return (IRR) of 28.35%, Return on Investment (ROI) of 43.3% and Pay Back Period (PBP ) during 6.8 years. Keywords: Propylene, Polypropylene, Polymerization.

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Telepon022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239
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  • Pembimbing 1: Ir. Gatot Subiyanto, M.T.

    Pembimbing 2: Ir. Herawati Budiastuti, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
