Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2020

Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Nano Store Pada Masa Covid-19 di Kota Bandung

Analysis The Service Quality Of Nano Store In The Period Of Covid-19 At Bandung City

Tugas Akhir, 038 / 2020 / ABS
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2022-03-30 13:48:08
Oleh : Indri Niswanti - 175211042 ( )
Dibuat : 2022-03-30, dengan 4 file

Keyword : Quality of service, nano store, covid-19.
Subjek : Kualitas pelayanan, nano store, covid-19

Negara Indonesia terkena dampak virus covid-19, sehingga pemerintah membuat kebijakan "bekerja, belajar, dan beribadah di rumah" yang membuat masyarakat berbondong-bondong menyelamatkan diri dengan cara sebisa mungkin memiliki stok makanan dan minuman, serta kebutuhan sehari-hari. Masyarakat berbelanja kebutuhan sehari-hari yang jaraknya dekat seperti ke nano store dan minimarket. Berdasarkan prasurvei pada 65 pelanggan nano store pada masa covid-19, 52,3% masih berbelanja di nano store terdekat. Namun, kualitas pelayanan dari nano store masih kurang memuaskan, sehingga perlu adanya analisis kualitas pelayanan nano store yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan daya saing nano store di Kota Bandung selama pandemik covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas pelayanan nano store yang diberikan kepada pelanggan serta untuk mengetahui dimensi tertinggi dan terendah dari kualitas pelayanan pada masa covid-19 di Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dimana hasil analisisnya berupa perhitungan mean, standar deviasi, nilai maksimum dan nilai minimun. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan menggunakan g-form. Hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa kualiatas pelayanan yang diberikan nano store kepada pelanggan pada masa covid-19 di Kota Bandung termasuk dalam kategori baik. Dimensi yang memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu dimensi emphaty, sedangkan yang memiliki nilai terendah yaitu dimensi tangibles. Dari masing-masing dimensi terdapat indikator yang perlu diperbaiki yaitu penampilan petugas, penggunaan alat bantu, jaminan biaya dan mementingkan pelanggan.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

The country of Indonesia was affected by the covid-19 virus, so the government made a policy of "work, study and worship at home" which made people flock to save themselves by having as much as possible stock of food and drinks, as well as daily necessities. People shop for their daily necessities which are in close proximity, such as to nano stores (grocery store) and minimarkets. Based on a survey on 65 nano stores during the Covid-19 period, 52.3% of people still shop at the nearest nano store. However, the service quality of nano stores is still not satisfactory, so it is necessary to analyze the service quality of nano stores which can be used to increase the competitiveness of nano stores in Bandung during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine how the quality of nano store services provided to customers and to determine the highest and lowest dimensions of service quality during the Covid-19 period in Bandung. The research method used is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach where the results of the analysis are the calculation of the mean, standard deviation, maximum value and minimum value. Data collection was carried out using g-form. The results of the study stated that the quality of services provided by nano stores to customers during the Covid-19 period in Bandung was in the good. The dimension that has the highest value is the emphaty dimension, while the one with the lowest value is the tangibles dimension. From each dimension, there are indicators that need to be improved, namely the officers appearance, use of help equipment, guaranteeing costs and concerned with the customer.

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  • Pembimbing: Dr. Drs. Harmon Chaniago, M.Si., Editor: Muhammad Abdillah Islamy, S.Pd
