Path: Top > Skripsi - D4 > 2017 > Jurusan Teknik Konversi Energi > Program Studi Teknologi Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik > 2020
Rancangan Dan Komputasi Economizer Pada PLTU Supercritical Kapasitas 660 MW
Design And Computation Of Economizer For 660 MW Supercritical Steam Power Plant
Skripsi, 012 / 2020 / TPTLUndergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2022-04-01 15:22:42
Oleh : Iqbalilah Ramdani - 161724011 (
Dibuat : 2022-04-01, dengan 4 file
Keyword : bare tube in-line economizer,supercritical powerplant, computational fluid dynamics
Subjek : bare tube in-line economizer, supercritical powerplant, computational fluid dynamics
Economizer merupakan salah satu komponen boiler yang berfungsi menaikkan temperatur air dengan proses perpindahan panas antara air dengan gas buang panas sisa pembakaran boiler. Proses perpindahan panas terjadi pada permukaan berbentuk tabung sebelum masuk drum uap (untuk unit resirkulasi) atau water wall (untuk unit once-through atau supercritical). Economizer yang dirancang berjenis bare tube dengan susunan pipa in-line pada pembangkit listrik tenaga uap supercritical kapasitas 660 MW. Simulasi sistem pembangkit menggunakan Steam pro dan proses perhitungan rancangan economizer menggunakan pendekatan teori. Hasil rancangan diperoleh dimensi economizer yang memiliki panjang 23.80 m, lebar 20.00 m, tinggi 1.80 m, diameter luar 0.0508 m, ketebalan pipa 0.00823 m dan jenis material SA-213 T12. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi computational fluid dynamics didapatkan bahwa rancangan economizer ini dapat menaikan temperatur air dari 304.6 oC menjadi 343.5 oC, yang mana ini sesuai dengan target temperatur ketika dilakukan perancangan dengan metode trial and error dengan kalor yang diserap oleh air sebesar 129695.45 kJ/s. Analisis computational fluid dynamics juga digunakan untuk mengamati distribusi aliran, temperatur, tekanan, tegangan geser pipa dan intensitas turbulensi sepanjang pipa economizer yang menghasilkan fluida kerja yang memenuhi syarat sebagai fluida cair sebelum masuk ke water wall.
Deskripsi Alternatif :The economizer is one of the boiler components which functions to increase the temperature of the water by transferring heat between water and exhaust gas from the combustion of the boiler. The heat transfer process occurs on a tubular surface before entering the steam drum (recirculation units) or water walls (oncethrough or supercritical units). The economizer that has been designed is a bare tube type with an in-line pipe arrangement in a 660 MW supercritical steam power plant. The simulation of the power plant system uses Steam Pro and the economizer design calculation process uses a theoretical approach. Results of the design is an economizer with economizer length is 23.80 m, economizer width is 20.00 m, economizer height is 1.80 m, economizer outer diameter is 0.0508 m, economizer pipe thickness is 0.00823 m and economizer material is SA-213 T12. Based on the computational fluid dynamics simulation results, it was found that the design of this economizer can increase the water temperature from 304.6 oC to 343.5 oC, which is in accordance with the target temperature when the design is carried out by trial and error method with the heat absorbed by water is 129695.45 kJ/s. Computational fluid dynamics analysis is also used to observe the distribution of flow, temperature, pressure, pipe shear stress and turbulence intensity along the economizer pipe which results in a working fluid that qualifies as a liquid before it enters the water wall.
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Nama Kontak | Erlin Arvelina |
Alamat | Jl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga |
Kota | Bandung |
Daerah | Jawa Barat |
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- Pembimbing 1: Erwin Yusuf, S.Si., M.T.
Pembimbing 2: Ika Yuliyani, S.T., M.T., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
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