Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2019
Pembuatan Instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Outsourcing Di PT Combiphar Padalarang Menggunakan Metode Rating Scale
Making Of Outsourcing Performance Assessment Instrument In PT Combiphar Padalarang Using Rating Scale Method
Tugas Akhir, 012 / 2019 / ABSUndergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2020-02-14 10:14:32
Oleh : Leni Septiani - 165211012 (
Dibuat : 2020-02-14, dengan 4 file
Keyword : Pegawai Outsourcing, Kualitas Kinerja Pegawai, Metode Penilaian Kinerja, Form Penilaian Kinerja
Subjek : Employee Outsourcing, Quality of Employee Performance, Performance Assessment Method, Performance Assessment Form
Istilah lain perusahaan yang menyediakan jasa tenaga kerja disebut perusahaan outsourcing, contohnya PT ISS adalah perusahaan outsource yang bergerak di bidang jasa pelayanan cleaning service, support service, security service, dan parking service. Dan bekerjasama dengan PT Combiphar pada tahun 2014 sampai dengan sekarang, adapun pelayanan yang diberikan oleh PT ISS yaitu cleaning service gedung, office dan gardening taman semua area luar perusahaan. PT Combiphar sebagai konsumen tentunya menginginkan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh PT ISS dapat memberikan kepuasan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, PT ISS harus memberikan pelayanan yang baik terhadap PT Combiphar. Dan PT ISS tentunya telah melaksanakan pelayanan dengan sebaik mungkin terhadap PT Combiphar akan tetapi, masih terdapat keluhan dari pihak manajemen PT Combiphar mengenai ketidakpuasan pencapaian kinerja pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pegawai outsourcing (ISS). Salah satu keluhannya yaitu, terdapat tanggung jawab kebersihan area kerja pegawai outsource yang terkadang belum di kerjakan, atau hasil yang didapatkan tidak sesuai dengan yang di harapkan seperti masih terdpat sampah atau gulma yang menempel pada area tertentu, serta masalah lain yang ditemukan yaitu general supervisor sub divisi HC Operation tidak memiliki instrumen atau alat dalam melakukan penilaian kinerja pegawai outsource, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dalam proyek ini, maka dibuat instrumen penilaian kinerja pegawai outsource, yang digunakan untuk menilai hasil pekerjaan terutama yang wajib dikerjakan oleh pegawai outsource sehari-harinya. Dengan tujuan untuk mengukur dan meningkatkan kualitas kinerja pegawai outsource yang diberikan. Adapun dalam perancangan dan pembuatan proyek ini menghasilkan instrumen penilaian kinerja pegawai outsource yang berbentuk form penilaian. Form ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode rating scale yaitu dari setiap pekerjaan perharinya diberi peringkat mulai dari 1-4, nilai tersebut digambarkan dalam bentuk huruf yaitu SM (sangat memuaskan), M (memuaskan), CM (cukup memuaskan), dan TM (tidak memuaskan). Dimana diakhir bulan nilai yang sudah didapatkan dari masing-masing pegawai, diakumulasikan dan dijumlahkan untuk mengetahui progress kinerja masing-masing. Adapun isi form yang harus dinilai oleh penilai yaitu tanggal, shift pegawai, nama PIC/pegawai, waktu pengerjaan, serta keterangan jika ada. Dan untuk deskripsi tugas area yang harus diisi yaitu tugas rutin/harian, tugas mingguan/berkala, serta tugas tambahan/incidental. Kata Kunci: Pegawai Outsourcing, Kualitas Kinerja Pegawai, Metode Penilaian Kinerja, Form Penilaian Kinerja.
Deskripsi Alternatif :Another term for a company that provides labor services is called an outsourcing company, for example PT ISS is an outsourced company engaged in cleaning services, support services, security services, and parking services. And in collaboration with PT Combiphar in 2014 until now, the services provided by PT ISS are cleaning services for buildings, offices and gardening parks all areas outside the company. PT Combiphar as a consumer certainly wants the services provided by PT ISS to provide satisfaction. Based on this, PT ISS must provide good service to PT Combiphar. And PT ISS certainly has done the best possible service to PT Combiphar, however, there are still complaints from PT Combiphar's management regarding dissatisfaction with the achievement of service performance provided by outsourcing employees (ISS). One of the complaints is that there are responsibilities for cleaning the work area of outsourced employees that sometimes have not been done, or the results obtained are not in line with what is expected as there are still rubbish or weeds attached to certain areas, and other problems found are general supervisor sub The HC Operations division does not have instruments or tools in assessing the performance of outsourced employees, to overcome this problem in this project, an outsourced employee performance appraisal instrument is used, which is used to assess the results of work especially those that must be done by outsourced employees on a daily basis. With the aim to measure and improve the quality of the performance of outsourced employees provided. As for the design and manufacture of this project produces an instrument for evaluating the performance of outsourced employees in the form of appraisal forms. This form was created using a rating scale method, which is that each job per day is ranked starting from 1-4, the value is illustrated in letters, namely BC (very satisfying), M (satisfying), CM (quite satisfying), and TM (not satisfying) ). Where at the end of the month the value that has been obtained from each employee, is accumulated and summed to find out the progress of each performance. The contents of the form that must be assessed by the appraiser are the date, employee shift, PIC / employee name, time of work, as well as information if any. And for the description of area tasks that must be filled in, namely routine / daily tasks, weekly / periodical tasks, and additional / incidental tasks. Keywords: Employee Outsourcing, Quality of Employee Performance, Performance Assessment Method, Performance Assessment Form.
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ID Publisher | JBPTPPOLBAN |
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Nama Kontak | Erlin Arvelina |
Alamat | Jl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga |
Kota | Bandung |
Daerah | Jawa Barat |
Negara | Indonesia |
Telepon | 022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239 |
Fax | 022 201 3889 |
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- Pembimbing: Ivon Sandya Sari Putri, S.ST., MBA., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
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