Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Administrasi Niaga > Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis > 2021

Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Indihome di Kota Bandung

Analysis The Customer Satisfaction of Indihome in Bandung City

Tugas Akhir, 048 / 2021 / ABS
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2023-04-26 12:36:06
Oleh : Nurul Ardillah - 185211053 (
Dibuat : 2023-04-26, dengan 4 file

Keyword : kepuasan, pelanggan, importance performance analysis, customer satisfaction index
Subjek : satisfaction, customer, important performance analysis, customer satisfaction index

Penggunaan internet menjadi sebuah kebutuhan bagi banyak orang di masa sekarang. Hampir segala aktivitas keseharian saat ini membutuhkan adanya internet. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia sebagai satu-satunya perusahaan milik negara dalam bidang telekomunikasi dan jaringan terbesar di Indonesia haruslah dapat memuaskan pelanggannya agar tidak beralih ke produk pesaing. Indihome sebagai produk layanan unggulan PT Telkom Indonesia namun persentase pertumbuhan pelanggan Indihome terus menurun seiring dengan banyaknya keluhan pelanggan mengenai produk Indihome. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat kepuasan pelanggan Indihome di Kota Bandung serta atribut apa yang menjadi prioritas utama yang dapat diperbaiki untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan 100 responden didapatkan hasil kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 62,53% yang artinya pelanggan merasa cukup puas. Melalui hasil Importance Performance Analysis terdapat sembilan atribut yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Kata kunci: kepuasan, pelanggan, importance performance analysis, customer satisfaction index.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

The use of the internet has become a necessity for many people today. Almost all daily activities today require the internet. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia as the only state-owned company in the field of telecommunications and the largest network in Indonesia must be able to satisfy its customers so as not to switch to competing products. Indihome as a superior service product of PT Telkom Indonesia but the percentage of Indihome customer growth continues to decline along with the number of customer complaints about Indihome products. This study aims to determine how the level of customer satisfaction of Indihome in Bandung and what attributes are the main priorities that can be improved to increase customer satisfaction using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) methods. Based on the results of research with 100 respondents, the results of customer satisfaction are 62.53%, which means that customers feel quite satisfied. Through the results of the Importance Performance Analysis, there are nine attributes that are the main priority for improvement. Keywords: satisfaction, customer, important performance analysis, customer satisfaction index.

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Nama KontakErlin Arvelina
AlamatJl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga
DaerahJawa Barat
Telepon022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239
Fax022 201 3889

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  • Pembimbing: Ermina Tiorida, S.E., M.Si., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
