Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Teknik Mesin > Program Studi Teknik Mesin > 2020
Teknik Pembuatan Mesin Sangrai Biji Kopi Kapasitas 300 Gram / Batch
The Technique of Making Coffee Bean Roaster Machine, Capacity of 300 Grams / Batch
Tugas Akhir, 024 / 2020 / TMEUndergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2021-01-27 13:26:12
Oleh : Prima Ditya Hartoko - 171211025 (
Dibuat : 2021-01-27, dengan 4 file
Keyword : Roasted, coffee beans, roast type.
Subjek : Sangrai, biji kopi, jenis sangrai.
Proses sangrai biji kopi adalah proses perubahan fisik dan kimia yang terjadi pada biji kopi seperti perubahan warna dan aroma khasnya dengan menggunakan pemanas. Waktu sangrai mempengaruhi tingkatan sangrai semakin lama waktu sangrai warna biji kopi mendekati coklat tua kehitaman. Jenis hasil sangrai menurut tingkatan ada 3 antara lain yaitu: light roast,medium roast, dark roast. Sudah banyak mesin sangrai biji kopi otomatis dipasaran namun masih terbilang mahal, sehingga banyak usaha mikro kecil menengah yang masih menggunakan cara manual pada proses sangrai, maka diperlukan mesin sangrai biji kopi otomatis yang harganya terjangkau untuk usaha mikro kecil menengah skala rumahan. Mesin sangrai direncanakan mempunyai ukuran panjang 500 mm, lebar 400mm, dan tinggi 450 mm dengan penggerak mula motor AC 0,5 hp lalu diteruskan ke gearbox 1:10 memakai transmisi daya sabuk v tipe-B serta tabung sangrai yang digunakan berbahan food grade. Mesin ini direncanakan untuk usaha mikro kecil menengah sehingga mesin hanya dapat menyangrai biji kopi dengan kapasitas 300 g / batch.
Deskripsi Alternatif :The process of roasting coffee beans is a process of changing the color and distinctive aroma of coffee beans due to heating. When doing sangria on coffee beans for a long time or not, it will change the color of the coffee beans, so the longer it takes to sangria coffee beans, the color of the coffee beans will be darker brown. There are 3 types of roasts according to levels, namely: light roast, medium roast, dark roast. There are already many automatic coffee bean roasting machines on the market but they are still fairly expensive, so that many micro, small and medium enterprises are still using the manual method of roasting, so an automatic coffee roaster machine is needed, which is affordable for small and medium-scale home-scale micro businesses. The roaster engine is planned to have a length of about 500 mm and a width of about 400mm and a height of about 450 mm with a 0.5 hp AC motor starting from then forward to the 1:10 gearbox using a V-type-B belt power transmission and the roasting tube used is made from food grade . This machine is planned for micro, small and medium enterprises so that the machine can only roast coffee beans with a capacity of 300 g / batch.
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- Pembimbing 1: Waluyo Musiono Bintoro, S.ST., M.Eng.
Pembimbing 2: Sckolastika Ninien Henny S.R.H, S.ST., M.Eng., Editor: Muhammad Abdillah Islamy, S.Pd
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