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Monitoring Kondisi Pompa Primary Menggunakan Metode Pengukuran Getaran Di PT. Indonesia Power UPJP Kamojang Unit Darajat

Monitoring Condition Primary Pump With Vibration Measurement Methods At PT. INDONESIA POWER UPJP Kamojang Units Darajat

Tugas Akhir, 048 / 2017 / TME
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2018-01-12 14:17:07
Oleh : Rd. Fahmi Nurwanda - 141211056 (
Dibuat : 2018-01-12, dengan 4 file

Keyword : Pompa Primary, amplitude, time domain, frequency domain
Subjek : Primary pump, amplitude, time domain, frequency domain

Pompa digunakan sebagai mesin bantu proses produksi, salah satunya di PLTP. Agar gejala kerusakan pada pompa dapat terdeteksi sedini mungkin perlu dilakukan monitoring lebih lanjut melalui monitoring getaran. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah hand held Vibscaner PRUFTECHKNIK series VIB 5.400 dan data akuisisi Sinocera. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah amplitude, comparative dan descriptive. Objek yang dilakukan monitoring adalah pompa Primary di PT. INDONESIA POWER UPJP Kamojang Unit Darajat. Hasil yang didapat berupa karakteristik getaran pompa, didasarkan pada amplitudo, trending getaran, time domain dan frequency domain. Hasil pengukuran dan analisis getaran pada pompa primary A dan B, diketahui bahwa kondisi pompa dalam keadaan baik, amplitudo yang dihasilkan masih dalam batas kategori B (unlimited long-term operation allowable (1,4-2,8 Hz)) menurut DIN ISO 10816-3 dan kategori allowable (1,12-2,8 Hz) menurut vibration severity criteria dengan amplitudo maksimal sebesar 2,71 mm/s untuk pompa primary A dan 2,59 mm/s untuk pompa primary B. Grafik trending amplitudo menunjukan fluktuasi namun cenderung stabil, dimana fluktuasi tersebut tidak terjadi secara signifikan karena masih dalam batas standar nilai amplitudo yang diizinkan. Hasil pengukuran time domain menunjukkan amplitudo yang fluktuatif namun cenderung steady (tetap), dengan amplitudo maksimal 60,28 m/s2 pada waktu 3,3 detik untuk pompa primary A dan amplitudo maksimal 56,77 m/s2 pada waktu 3,04 detik untuk pompa primary B. Dan hasil pengukuran frequency domain yang dilakukan pada pompa primary menunjukkan bahwa pada range 200 Hz-6000 Hz adanya indikasi gejala kerusakan yang terkait dengan kavitasi, dimana frekuensi yang dihasilkan terlihat menumpuk dengan rentang frekuensi yang luas dan nilai amplitudo yang rendah. Kata Kunci: Pompa Primary, amplitude, time domain, frequency domain.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

Pump is used as auxiliary machine production process, one of them in PLTP. In order for symptoms of damage to the pump can be detected as early as possible need to be monitored further through vibration monitoring. The measuring instruments used are hand held Vibscaner PRUFTECHKNIK series VIB 5.400 and Sinocera acquisition data. Analytical methods used are amplitude, comparative and descriptive. The object of monitoring is Primary pump at PT. INDONESIA POWER UPJP Kamojang Unit Darajat. The results obtained in the form of vibration characteristics of the pump, based on amplitude, trending vibration, time domain and frequency domain. The results of the measurement and vibration analysis of the primary pumps A and B, it is known that the pump conditions are in good condition, the resulting amplitude is still within the category B (unlimited long-term operation allowable (1,4-2,8 Hz)) according to DIN ISO 10816 -3 and allowable categories (1,12-2,8 Hz) according to vibration severity criteria with maximum amplitudes of 2,71 mm/s for primary pumps A and 2,59 mm/s for primary pump B. Trending amplitude graphs show fluctuations But tend to be stable, where the fluctuation does not occur significantly because it is within the standard limits of the allowed amplitude values. Time domain measurement results show a fluctuating amplitude but steady tendency, with a maximum amplitude of 60,28 m/s2 at 3,3 seconds for primary pump A and a maximum amplitude of 56,77 m/s2 at 3,04 seconds for Pump primary B. And the results of frequency domain measurements performed on the primary pump showed that in the range of 200 Hz-6000 Hz have a indication of damage symptoms associated with cavitation, where the frequency generated seen accumulate with a wide frequency range and low amplitude value. Keywords: Primary pump, amplitude, time domain, frequency domain.

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Nama KontakErlin Arvelina
AlamatJl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga
DaerahJawa Barat
Telepon022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239
Fax022 201 3889

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  • Pembimbing 1: Ir. Ating Sudradjat, M.Sc.

    Pembimbing 2: Ir. Mokhamad Munir Fahmi, M.T., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
