Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Teknik Kimia > Program Studi Teknik Kimia > 2017
Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi Soxhlet dalam Pengambilan Protein Serbuk Daun Kelor dan Aplikasinya dalam Pembuatan Mie Kering
The Effect of Soxhlet Extraction Method in Protein Retrieval of Moringa Oleiferaâs Leaf Powder and its Application in Noodle Making
Tugas Akhir, 027 / 2017 / TKIUndergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2017-11-29 09:20:19
Oleh : Sunarti - 141411058 & Winardi Ginanjar - 141411061 (
Dibuat : 2017-11-29, dengan 4 file
Keyword : Daun Kelor, Ekstraksi Soxhlet, Mie, dan Protein
Subjek : Moringa Leaves, Soxhlet Extraction, Noodle, and Protein
Di Indonesia mie telah menjadi salah satu makanan yang banyak diminati bahkan dijadikan makanan pengganti nasi. Mie komersial di pasaran mengandung protein sebesar 8%. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan protein pada mie dilakukan penambahan daun kelor. Konsentrat protein daun kelor diperoleh dengan proses ekstraksi soxhlet menggunakan pelarut air dan etanol food grade 14%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis pelarut terhadap kadar protein dalam ekstrak daun kelor, pengaruh massa pelarut terhadap kadar protein dalam ekstrak, dan pengaruh penambahan ekstrak daun kelor terhadap kandungan protein pada mie kering. Ekstraksi soxhlet digunakan untuk mengekstrak serbuk daun kelor pada kondisi suhu 98oC selama 4 jam dengan rasio massa (gram) pelarut terhadap massa umpan (gram) 5:1, 10:1, 15:1, 20:1, dan 25:1. Hasil ekstrak didistilasi dari pelarut pada suhu 105 oC selama 1 jam. Proses ekstraksi dapat menghasilkan ekstrak dengan kandungan protein 4,49% pada rasio massa pelarut terhadap umpan 10:1, sedangkan pada ampas mengandung protein sebesar 12,35% pada rasio massa pelarut terhadap umpan 5:1. Rasio massa yang menghasilkan kandungan protein tertinggi dari serbuk daun kelor kemudian digunakan untuk membuat mie dengan tiga perlakuan berbeda yaitu mie dengan perebusan, mie dengan perebusan dan pengeringan, dan mie kering tanpa perebusan. Mie yang memiliki kandungan protein tertinggi (18,11%) adalah mie kering tanpa perebusan yang ditambahkan serbuk daun kelor. Mie tersebut memiliki kadar air sebesar 1,01%, kadar abu 4,6%, kadar kalsium 12%, dan kadar magnesium 7,2%. Berdasarkan SNI 01-2974-1996, kadar protein pada mie minimal sebesar 11%, air maksimal 10 % dan abu maksimal 3%. Kata Kunci: Daun Kelor, Ekstraksi Soxhlet, Mie, dan Protein.
Deskripsi Alternatif :Noodle is one of popular foods in Indonesia which also used as an alternative food to replace rice. Commercial noodles in the market contain 8% of protein. Protein content in noodles can be increased using additional moringa leaves. Protein concentrate can be obtained from moringa leaf by soxhlet extractor process with water and ethanol food grade (14%) as solvent. This research is held to learn about solvent kind effect on protein content of moringa leaves extract, solvent mass on protein content of extract, and moringa leaves extract addition effect on dry noodlesâs protein content. Soxhlet extraction was used to extract the powder of moringa leaf at the temperature of 98oC for 4 hours with solvent to solute mass ratio (gr) of 5:1, 10:1, 15:1, 20:1, and 25:1. The extracts were distilled from solvent at 105oC for 1 hour. The extraction process can produce extract with 4.49% protein content at solvent to solute mass ratio 10:1, whereas the dregs contains 12.35% protein at solvent to solute mass ratio 5: 1 feed. Mass ratio that produces the highest protein content is then used to make noodles with three different treatments: boiling treatment, boiling and drying treatment, and without boiling treatment. The highest protein content (18.11%) is obtained when moringa leaves powder are used to make noodles without boiling treatment. The noodle has 1.01% moisture content, 4.6% ash content, 12% calcium content, and 7.2% magnesium content. Based on SNI 01-2974-1996, the minimum protein content in noodles is at least 11%, the maximum water content is 10% and the maximum ash content is 3%. Keywords: Moringa Leaves, Soxhlet Extraction, Noodle, and Protein.
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ID Publisher | JBPTPPOLBAN |
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Nama Kontak | Erlin Arvelina |
Alamat | Jl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga |
Kota | Bandung |
Daerah | Jawa Barat |
Negara | Indonesia |
Telepon | 022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239 |
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- Pembimbing 1: Dianty Rosirda Dewi Kurnia, S.T., M.T.
Pembimbing 2: Fitria Yulistiani, S.T., M.T., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
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