Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Bahasa Inggris > 2020
Artikel dalam folder :. 2020 .:
Menampilkan 11 - 20 dari total 53 artikel.
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- The Making of A Blueprint and Its Prototype of An E-Sports Magazine
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Nurdiansyah Krisnamurti - 175311050, 4 file
- The Making of A Blueprint and Its Prototype of An E-Sports Magazine
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Naufal Athallah Ramadhan - 175311049 & Sandi Rahmayadi - 175311060, 4 file
- The Making of An Informational Book on Five Organic Food Shops in Bandung
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Leoni Deanti - 175311047, 4 file
- An Analysis of Persuasive Language Used in Advertisements in Forbes Magazine
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Januar Fitriyandi - 175311046, 4 file
- The Making of an Informational Book about Indonesian Military Band: Satsikmil Type B Ajendam III Siliwangi
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Ilmi Fadillah - 175311045, 4 file
- The Making of a Cookbook: 10 Kinds of Javanese Rice Dishes
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Haura Salsabila Althaf Sudrajat - 175311044, 4 file
- Developing A Company Profile Book Of PT Dwi Nursandi Abadi
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Ferdian Satia Putra - 175311042, 4 file
- The Making of Travel Guide Book: 5 Iconic Tourist Destinations in Tangerang
2022-10-13, Undergraduate Theses oleh Fanka Amalia Ananda - 175311040, 4 file
- An Analysis of Tenses Used on Website Articles, Universities Websites Journal Abstracts, and American Folklore Short Stories
2022-10-12, Undergraduate Theses oleh Ecky Muhammad Rachmat - 175311039, 4 file
- The Making of a Fantasy Novelette Kindle in the Dark
2022-10-12, Undergraduate Theses oleh Daffa' Dwi Allamsyah - 175311038, 4 file