Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > Jurusan Teknik Elektro > Program Studi Teknik Telekomunikasi > 2012

Realisasi Antena Folded Dipole untuk Pemancar Televisi pada Band Frekuensi VHF (174-181 MHz)

Realization of Folded Dopole Antenna for Television Transmitter at Band Frequency VHF (174-181 MHz)

Tugas Akhir, 037 / 2012 / TTE
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2015-11-18 09:21:50
By : Devi Rosauli - 091331042
Created : 2013-05-14, with 4 files

Keyword : Folded Dipole, VHF, omnidirectional
Subject : Folded Dipole, VHF, omnidirectional

Antena memiliki peranan penting untuk memancarkan gelombang elektromagnetik. Pada Proyek Akhir ini telah direalisasikan antena Folded Dipole dengan pola radiasi omnidirectional untuk pemancar TV yang bekerja pada channels 4 band frekuensi 174-202 MHz. Agar dapat mencakup area yang lebih luas, folded dipole yang direalisasikan sebanyak 3 buah dengan dimensi yang sama. Antena ini menggunakan bahan dasar dari pipa alumunium dan parameter hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh antara lain bandwidth 23,30 MHz dan VSWR<1,183 pada frekuensi 175,25 MHz. Kata Kunci: Folded Dipole, VHF, omnidirectional

Description Alternative :

Antenna has an important role to radiate electromagnetic wave. In this final project has been realized a Folded Dipole with omnidirectional radiation pattern for TV transmitter in the frequency band of 174 up to 202 MHz (channel 4). In order to cover a wider area, three antennas are required. The antennas is made of aluminum pipe and constructed to obtain wide band bandwidth with minimum SWR. Based on measurement, it was obtained 23,30 MHz bandwidth and VSWR<1,183 at frequency 175,25 MHz. Keywords: Folded Dipole, VHF, omnidirectional

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Contact NameErlin Arvelina
AddressJl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga
RegionJawa Barat
Phone022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239
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  • Pembimbing 1: Sutrisno, BSEE., MT., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
