Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > 2017 > Jurusan Teknik Sipil > Program Studi Teknik Konstruksi Gedung > 2017
Analisa Kapasitas Dan Sistem Pelaksanaan Drop Panel Pada Proyek World Capital Tower Di Jakarta Selatan
Capacity Analysis And Implementation System Of Drop Panel In World Capital Tower Project At South Jakarta
Tugas Akhir, 021 / 2017 / KGEUndergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2017-11-08 08:23:38
By : Muhammad Muqinan Maulal Mulki - 141111051 & Nurul Fadhilla - 141111055 (;
Created : 2017-11-08, with 4 files
Keyword : Flat slab, Drop panel, World Capital Tower, Analisa, Pelaksanaan
Subject : Flat slab, Drop panel, World Capital Tower, Analysis, Implementation
Salah satu sistem struktur yang masih jarang digunakan di Indonesia ialah sistem struktur flat slab. Proyek World Capital Tower merupakan proyek yang menggunakan sistem struktur flat slab. Flat slab tidak menggunakan balok, melainkan menggunakan drop panel. Penggunaan drop panel dapat meningkatkan kapasitas geser pada pelat, memberikan fleksibilitas terhadap tata ruang dan memungkinkan ketinggian ruang yang minimum. Tugas akhir ini menganalisa kapasitas drop panel dan metode pelaksanannya pada proyek World Capital Tower. Analisa kapasitas drop panel meliputi perhitungan momen dengan bantuan ETABS, pengecekan tebal pelat, pengecekan tebal drop panel, tahanan terhadap geser pons di sekitar kolom dan sekitar drop panel, serta momen statis. Pada metode pelaksanaan dibahas pelaksanaan drop panel dari pekerjaan persiapan, surveying, pemasangan bekisting, pekerjaan penulangan, pengecoran, perawatan beton dan pembongkaran bekisting. Dari analisa yang dilakukan, diperoleh hasil yang menunjukan bahwa geser pons disekitar kolom memenuhi persyaratan, geser pons disekitar drop panel memenuhi persyaratan, dan momen terbesar terjadi pada panel G11.1-G14. Sementara untuk pelaksanaan drop panel, tidak jauh berbeda dengan pelaksanaan struktur beton pada umumnya. Kata Kunci: Flat slab, Drop panel, World Capital Tower, Analisa, Pelaksanaan.
Description Alternative :One of the rarely structural systems in Indonesia is the flat slab structure system. The World Capital Tower project is some project that uses a flat slab structure system. Flat slab does not use beam, but uses drop panel. When the drop panels uses, it can increase the shear capacity of the plates, providing flexibility to the layout and allow for minimum space altitude. This final project analyzes the capacity of drop panel and its implementation method on World Capital Tower project. Analysis of drop panel capacity includes calculation of moments with ETABS application, plate thick checking, drop panel thick checking, resistance to punching shear around columns and around drop panels, and static moments. In the implementation method of drop panel include preparatory work, surveying, installation of formwork, reinforcement work, casting concrete, concrete maintenance and demolition of formwork. The results of the analysis and reporting of the implementing method represent that punching shear around the column at all panels meet the requirements, punching shear around the drop panel at all panels also meet the requirements, the greatest moment lies between G11.1-G14 panel, and the implementation of the drop panel is not so much different from the structure for general. Keywords: Flat slab, Drop panel, World Capital Tower, Analysis, Implementation
Property | Value |
Publisher ID | JBPTPPOLBAN |
Organization | |
Contact Name | Erlin Arvelina |
Address | Jl. Trsn. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga |
City | Bandung |
Region | Jawa Barat |
Country | Indonesia |
Phone | 022 201 3789 ext. 168, 169, 239 |
Fax | 022 201 3889 |
Administrator E-mail | |
CKO E-mail | |
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- Pembimbing 1: Fisca Igustiany, S.ST., M.T.
Pembimbing 2: Drs. Antonius Siswanto, S.ST., M.T., Editor: Erlin Arvelina
File : KELENGKAPAN TA - 141111051 & 141111055.pdf
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File : BAB 1 - 141111051 & 141111055.pdf
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File : BAB 2 - 141111051 & 141111055.pdf
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File : BAB 5 - 141111051 & 141111055.pdf
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