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  • Pembimbing 1: Ir. Dida Suhadi

    Pembimbing 2: Drs. Suyanto, ST., MT. , Editor: Erlin Arvelina


Path: Top > Tugas Akhir - D3 > Jurusan Teknik Elektro > Program Studi Teknik Elektronika > 2012

Otomatisasi Pengisian Minuman Pada Kemasan Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega8535

Automation of Drinking Filling Into Packaging That is Based On Microcontroller ATMega8535

Tugas Akhir, 024 / 2012 / TEL
Undergraduate Theses from JBPTPPOLBAN / 2015-11-18 09:21:46
Oleh : Rizsky Agustami - 091311028
Dibuat : 2013-04-17, dengan 4 file

Keyword : ATMega8535, Rotary Conveyor, Cup Feeder, Cup Sealer, Motor DC, Photodioda, LED Infra merah
Subjek : ATMega8535, Rotary Conveyor, Cup Feeder, Cup Sealer, Motor DC, Photodioda, Infrared LED

Proses pengisian minuman pada kemasan yang biasanya digunakan di industri rumahan masih ada yang menggunakan proses manual, maka dalam proyek akhir ini akan dirancang dan direalisasikan sebuah alat berupa Rotary Conveyor, Cup Feeder dan Cup Sealer Untuk Pengisian Cairan Minuman Pada Kemasan Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 8535. Proyek akhir ini merupakan bagian dari Otomatisasi Pengisian Minuman Pada Kemasan Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega 8535. Setelah saklar dihidupkan, pertama-tama cup feeder yang telah dipasang sensor batas Limit Switch akan meletakan cup kedalam rotary conveyor, kemudian rotary conveyor akan berputar menuju modul pengisi kemasan, cup kemasan tersebut akan diisi minuman secara otomatis. Selanjutnya, rotary conveyor akan berputar menuju cup sealer yang bekerja untuk memberikan segel kemasan plastik secara otomatis, kemudian rotary conveyor akan berputar menuju pendorong kemasan yang bekerja mendorong kemasan keluar dari rotary conveyor sehingga memudahkan dalam proses pengambilan cup kemasan. Instruksi-instruksi yang dijalankan oleh rotary conveyor, cup feeder dan cup sealer diatur oleh mikrokontroler ATmega8535. Untuk mendeteksi adanya cup kemasan pada masing-masing bagian sistem digunakan rangkaian sensor dengan photodioda dan LED infra merah. Rotary conveyor dapat menampung empat buah cup kemasan, yang masing-masing bervolume 180 ml. Kata kunci: ATMega8535, Rotary Conveyor, Cup Feeder, Cup Sealer, Motor DC, Photodioda, LED Infra merah.

Deskripsi Alternatif :

Drinking Filling Process in a pack that is usually used in Home Industries are still using manual process. That is why in this final project, a Rotary Conveyor, Cup Feeder and Cup Sealer for filling the liquid to packaging that is based on Microcontroller Atmega 83535 device will be planned and realized. This Final Project is a part of automation of drinking filling into packaging based on Microcontroller ATmega 8535.

After the switch is turned on, first of all the cup feeder that has been installed sensor limiter will put cup In the rotary conveyor. After that the packaging will rotating into packaging filler module. That packaging cup will be filled with liquid automatically. After that rotary conveyor will rotating into packaging impeller which push packaging out of rotary conveyor. In short, it will make the process of taking packaging cup. The Instructions that is done by rotary conveyor, cup feeder and cup sealer are controlled by microcontroller ATmega8535. To detect the presence of packaging cup on every part of system, a series of sensors wiit photodiode and infra red LED is installed. Rotary conveyor can hold four packaging cups with 180 ml each.

Keyword: ATMega8535, Rotary Conveyor, Cup Feeder, Cup Sealer, Motor DC, Photodioda, Infrared LED.

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